Do Vultures Eat Dead Vultures?
This is Really Shocking!

Curious to know whether vultures eat dead vultures or not? Read to find out more!

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David A. Swanson

October 03, 2021

Do Vultures Eat Dead Vultures? This is Really Shocking! Thumbnail

What’s This Post About?

Vultures have a food standard. They don’t hunt for food and rather look for dead animals instead. Vultures prefer to eat dead animals, which they can find with ease. If they happen to find a food source that is perhaps rotten, they will skip eating it.

Do the eating habits of vultures fascinate you? Do you find yourself wondering if they eat their own kind when found dead? Then, continue to read on to know all the information related to vultures about what they eat, how they eat, and most importantly, how they find their food!

Vultures will only eat their own kind if found dead when they are really hungry and do not have any other food source nearby. Since they rely on eating other dead animals, their priority is not to eat dead vultures, but they will go for it if they aren’t left with a choice.


All You Need to Know About Vultures!

Vultures are carnivorous beings. They love to prey on dead animals because they cannot prey on anything else due to their chubby feet. Therefore, carrions are the most exclusive food of vultures.

Vultures prefer fresh food sources, i.e., an animal that has been dead recently.



Vultures can fly at a height where there is very minimum oxygen concentration.


Before moving further deep into the topic, here is some useful information that you should know about vultures.

Family Accipitridae
Scientific Name Cathartes aura
Size 12.7 Kg Weight
Class Aves
Kingdom Animalia
Lifespan 10 Years

Vultures are 3.3 feet long with a wingspan of 8.9 feet.

Why Do Vultures Not Hunt Live Prey?

Despite having a strong beak, vultures are unable to hunt or catch live prey because of their chubby feet, making it difficult for them to catch prey with their legs.

How Do Vultures Find Food?

Different species of vultures have different ways of finding their food sources. For instance, Turkey vultures use their sense of smell to find food for themselves, whereas vultures like black vultures use their vision to find food.


Yellow vultures can sense food by their smelling capability. Therefore, vultures can find their food by both their visual and smelling capabilities.

Vultures are able to detect their food from four miles away in the open plains. After seeing, they call in their fellow mates to join them in.


Vultures can eat as much food as they want at one time.


What Is the Food Of Vultures?

Carrions are the most common food of vultures. Almost all vultures have carrions as their food. Only palm-out vultures are the ones that do not feed on carrions, and instead, they feed on oil palm fruit.

Other than carrion, vultures feed on small birds, insects, lizards, and rodents as well. Animals that are sick or are near to die also become the victim of vultures.

How Do Vultures Eat Food?

Vultures are known as earth cleaners. They attack corpses of animals and feast on their flesh. Vultures attack the soft part of the dead animals first for their food. They sometimes, after eating the meat, go for the bones too. Vultures dig their head deep into the body cavity of the dead animal and pick tiny bits of food.

Do Vultures Get Sick After Eating a Dead Animal?


As soon as the vultures ingest the flesh of the dead, an acid is released into their digestive system. This acid in vultures is able to destroy toxic microbes. The acid in a vulture’s stomach is 10 times stronger than the acid present in the human digestive system.

The pH of acid in a vulture’s stomach is 1.0. Therefore, vultures are able to eat prey that may have botulinum toxin, cholera bacteria, and anthrax bacteria, whereas other birds would die if they consumed the same diet.

Do Vultures Have Teeth to Eat Their Food?

No, vultures do not have teeth to eat their food. Instead, they have small ridges that help them to grab their food. They grab their prey from the stomach and then grind it to digest it quickly.

What Food Do Vultures Not Eat?

Vultures do not eat owls and hawks. They despise eating them. Owls and hawks are the two birds that you can use to scare vultures away. Other than these, vultures also do not eat wild cats and snakes.


Keep Reading!

To sum it up, vultures don’t eat dead vultures by choice. They love to eat carrions of other dead animals instead.

Vultures have a very unique sense of sight and smell to get their food to them. Also, they call on their other mates when they find a feasting source.  

Are you curious to read more about vultures? Here’s an interesting post you can read to identify how powerful is the vulture smell exactly.

How Powerful Is Vulture Smell Exactly? Compared To Humans?

Do you think about how vultures manage to locate dead animals to prey on? Keep on reading find out more about their strange sense of smell.

David A. Swanson Picture

By David A. Swanson

Bird Watching USA

My name is David and I'm the the founder of Bird Watching USA! I started Bird Watching with My father-in-law many years ago, and I've become an addict to watching these beautiful creatures. I've learnt so much over about bird watching over the years that I want to share with the world everything I know about them!

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David A. Swanson Picture

David A. Swanson

Bird Watching USA

My name is David and I'm the the founder of Bird Watching USA! I started Bird Watching with My father-in-law many years ago, and I've become an addict to watching these beautiful creatures. I've learnt so much over about bird watching over the years that I want to share with the world everything I know about them!



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